martes, 1 de noviembre de 2022


A continuación incluyo contenidos relacionados con el anterior hilo de Cameron Day.

Recordad que los que están en inglés podéis traducirlos con DeepL.

Como siempre, recomiendo que cada uno use su discernimiento.




Lo que místicos y profetas revelaron sobre las entidades hiper dimensionales


"Cómo escapar del sistema de reencarnación" (*) 


El tema de "la trampa de la reencarnación" es harto controvertido. El proceso de reencarnar tiene una parte de interferencia arcóntica, porque los mundos astrales ("el más allá", los espacios entre-vidas) están plagados por las jerarquías arcónticas y su sistema de control hiper dimensional. PERO eso no significa que "toda la reencarnación es una trampa por entero". Es importante no confundir a la manzana con el gusano... Sería muy largo extenderme en esto, así que al final de este hilo publicaré unas reflexiones de Tom Montalk sobre este asunto, con las cuales estoy bastante de acuerdo.


Paul Levy es un autor similar a Cameron Day, tiene ideas afines a las suyas. 

En su libro "Dispelling Wetiko" habla de parásitos de la mente ya conocidos en la cultura de los Americanos Nativos, a los que llamaban "wetiko". 

Actual web oficial de Paul Levy:

Antigua web oficial de Paul Levy, rescatada con Weyback Machine:

Un ensayo de Paul Levy, que resume el libro "Dispelling Wetiko":

Traducción al Español que disecciona el mismo libro:

En el siguiente enlace os dejo una mejor traducción de parte del artículo de Paul Levy: "Disipando Wetiko: Rompiendo la Maldición del Mal".


Crítica de una bloguera croata a los artículos de Cameron Day:


Un par de artículos en español relacionados con estos temas. De un blog que fue muy conocido en su día, "La Cosecha de Almas". Famoso entre los gnósticos y magos modernos por sus contenidos especialmente atrevidos y transgresores. 

Ese blog desapareció en extrañas circunstancias, pero en él había muchas joyas, y mediante los siguientes links podréis explorarlo a placer, gracias a la magick de Wayback Machine: (*)


El tema de "la trampa de la reencarnación" es harto controvertido. El proceso de reencarnar tiene una parte de interferencia arcóntica, porque los mundos astrales ("el más allá", los espacios entrevidas) están plagados por las jerarquías arcónticas y su sistema de control hiper dimensional. PERO eso no significa que "toda la reencarnación es una trampa por entero". Es importante no confundir a una manzana con el gusano... Sería muy largo extenderme en esto, así que al final de este hilo publicaré unas reflexiones de Tom Montalk sobre este asunto, con las cuales estoy muy de acuerdo.


"This clip demonstrates the mechanism that Archons use to gain control of the human soul at or before death, through manipulation into an agreement. They have no real power beyond manipulating people into an agreement with them, and their purpose is to trap souls, to then feed off of them in the reincarnation"




Comentario de un bloguero contando una experiencia personal: 

"Esta noche tuve un sueño que últimamente se reproduce muy a menudo, soñé con mi querida abuela materna fallecida en 2004, y siempre en el momento de soñar con ella, me acabo acordando de que ya falleció y me pongo de mala hostia, pero hoy fue diferente. 

La miré a los ojos y dije en voz alta mientras soñaba: ¡Este es mi sueño, no una puta sesión de ouija! En ese momento, los ojos de mi difunta abuela se pusieron negros y almendrados como los de un extraterrestre gris de Zeta Reticuli, y me desperté con un gran suspiro de la ilusión. 

Para mí, un claro caso de interferencia arcóntica en la que los grises se disfrazan de familiares fallecidos."

(NOTA: Esto es extremadamente común. Ya os presentaré más autores que hablan de cómo los depredadores astrales saben cambiar de forma e incluso de frecuencias, con lo cual estos engaños para ellos son el pan de cada día -y nunca mejor dicho, pues de estos engaños obtienen su alimento-)







"¡Por última vez, niños! ¡Dejad de asustar al abuelo con el túnel de luz!"


La narrativa más "alocada" hecha libro de una ex esclava MK Ultra inglesa llamada Abigail Pattman y afincada en Tailandia desde hace años (Libro "The Holographic Matrix"):

Su canal de Youtube:

Su página web:

(NOTA: Entre su pasado como ex - esclava MK Ultra criada en una familia de satanistas donde era sometida a abusos, y que actualmente se volcó de lleno en el mundo espiritual, siendo muy crítica con muchas cosas de la "Nueva Era" y a la vez que menciona repetidamente a los "Arcturianos", entre otros muchos detalles extraños, es un material para tomarlo con pinzas... No obstante, algunas cosas que dice son bastante interesantes, siempre aplicando el necesario DISCERNIMIENTO)


La gachí, entrevistada en Tailandia por un neohippie, es interesante su lenguaje corporal: 




"Lo siento, pero deberás reencarnar una vez más, hasta que aprendas a amar a Dios o lo que sea... ¡Esta vez serás un granjero de arroz vietnamita sin piernas!"


Es de recibo mencionar que los anteriores contenidos en este hilo fueron sacados de:

Donde el autor de ese blog publicó el artículo de Cameron Day, y en la sección de comentarios lo enriqueció con muchos de estos aportes valiosos, y otros los incluí yo en este hilo propio.

Además, me complace informar de que en ese artículo, el autor está continuamente añadiendo nuevas referencias y memes graciosos sobre estas materias (en el artículo y en los comentarios), así que os recomiendo visitarlo.



A continuación incluyo las reflexiones de Tom Montalk al respecto de ese tema.

Quizás no esté de acuerdo con él en todo, pero sí en buena parte, como es habitual con su material.

Estas son una vuelta de tuerca al tema de ver la reencarnación como un proceso manipulado. 

Porque no podemos olvidar que la reencarnación tiene más facetas que la influencia arcóntica.

Están en inglés, y las puedes traducir con DeepL.

What is the connection between archons and karma?

Karma fundamentally is your own self-correction mechanism induced by guilt or approval of what you did. This self-judgment occurs every night when you go to sleep and enter delta brainwave sleep, where the soul/spirit leaves the body and enters a state similar to the state it’s in during the afterlife just a smaller version of that. The self-judgment also occurs between lives in a bigger more profound way with longer term impacts (as it influences your conditions of birth in the next life). These self-judgments cause situations/conditions to arise in your incarnated waking life that offer the opportunity for a corrective lesson to occur.

But if you resolve the guilt, learn the lesson, release and forgive pre-emptively, then the harsh experience isn’t necessary. So karma (of the negative kind) isn’t fate unless you’re born with it then you can’t reverse it (like a birth defect)… Usually it’s more a “to do list” about stuff to go through to correct a choice made in ignorance.

Where archons come in is that they profit off your suffering when you go through a karmic experience. Therefore, they want you to make as many mistakes as possible, and be the slowest to learn from them as possible. So they program, tempt, provoke, deceive, distract, etc. people to get them to attract their own suffering

That’s done by sinking them into negative vibes, seducing them into harming others (and self, in the case of suicide especially), and inducing more guilt/shame/whatever that is called for.

For example, if you’re programmed from birth in a hard Catholic upbringing to feel you are sinful, dirty, unworthy, shameful, etc. then this can sink so deep into your subconscious, inscribed into your soul, that it can bring on an artificial karma pertaining to that.

In that case maybe you feel you need punishment and oppression to make up for the un-washable dirtiness in you. Hence the old practice of self-flagellation, which can continue in a more metaphysical way in the form of reincarnating with burdens that don’t actually need to be there. The bigger metaphysical lesson there is that buying into programming that devalues your true spiritual worth brings on suffering, and until you get sick of that suffering and see the light, you may ‘need’ to go through that.

That’s why organized religion can be a control system that extends beyond the physical world into the afterlife and subsequent incarnations. We’re only as free in the afterlife as we are in this life. If we’re programmed and attached and addicted in this life, we are likewise in the afterlife, just in its own way which is more how it manifests in the astral planes.

But yes, organized religion, like so much else in our world, is an energy-feeding racket that’s been going on for thousands of years. Archons (negative 4D and 5D entities and negative parasitical thoughtforms) are the ultimate architects and profiteers of these schemes.

Why would I choose to come here to suffer? Doesn’t make sense.

Great question. I think there are different answers for different people.

Some are suffering due to being trapped by prior choices made ignorantly or naïvely. Not just in this life with the consequences of drugs, poor diet, kids and marriage and divorce, etc. but prior lives and the major mistakes made there that still carry effects here.

Some are suffering as an accepted risk of coming here into this lower realm to try and help others out, which means facing many of the same problems they are.

Some are suffering because they lost too much of their light/intuition/self-ness when they became overwhelmed by the amnesia and challenges of being here.

And some, which may include some of the above as well, see suffering as a faster and deeper way to change one’s being and imprint wisdom versus just learning it mentally ‘in a book’ in the higher nicer planes.

I think the issue is that fundamentally, this world does offer the pathway of growth and learning through suffering, just a going to a gym and transforming your body is done through suffering, but there’s no guarantee that you won’t get injured or fail to learn or make a bigger mess or get tricked into adding on extra suffering that you don’t actually need.

So it’s a gamble when we come here. The payoff is we come away stronger, wiser, and more profoundly understanding of self and others and the multiverse. The risk is that we forget who we are, betray ourselves, fall for deception, and get stuck in pointless loops of needless suffering.

Maybe the situation is comparable to movies. Why would anyone go watch a movie about drama, suffering, and adversity? Why not watch a movie that is happy and pleasant from start to finish? Why pay money for stress and tension? People might say, well it’s just a movie and in the end you walk out and you’re fine, so there’s no harm in some tension and release. Your higher spirit would say likewise, it’s just a temporary incarnation into the physical illusion and your consciousness is indestructible so there’s no harm in 70 years of tension and release.

Originally, maybe there was little or no risk. Maybe the only resistance was being in a physical body that ages and needs to be fed and sheltered. But the laws of physics and etheric and astral dynamics that make this restricted “game board” possible, lead to their own problems over time, and beings came about (or possibly invaded from another dimension) who hijacked this place. So now it’s a higher risk endeavor, with higher reward as well, but it can go very wrong.

I believe that the control system, the deception, the trickery—that it’s one half of what’s going on here. The other half is indeed the spiritual playground and gym and school. Both co-exist, and we walk a knife’s edge in life between these two.

The price we pay is through our own soul energy and suffering and time. The reward we gain—ONLY IF WE MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES—is accelerated growth and wisdom.

The fact that we do grow in life, and that we’re not born as blank slates but have subconscious strengths and weaknesses gained from prior incarnations, and that our lives can have an invisible ordering to it like the hand of destiny that takes us along a positive trajectory… that all shows that this place isn’t solely an energy farm or prison. There’s also a positive layer, but as mentioned it isn’t guaranteed that we actualize that part.

Can someone be tricked and forced into coming here? Yes. Is that the only way someone can come here? In my opinion, no. But I do believe our choices carry binding consequences and if they are big enough, we can die and are forced back into a body at some point to balance the equation and finish things out.

So overall, I think suffering exists for a number of reasons:

It increases self-knowledge, through how you chose to handle and endure it. Sometimes, bearing suffering with dignity gives meaning and purpose even when all else about the situation seems hopeless and pointless.

You have to apply your strength and will to get through it, and that’s an act of consciousness overcoming matter and the world. The latter tries to crush you under its weight, but you’re pushing through despite that. Downside is, you can become calloused and hardened and therefore lose a connection with the heart (or ‘inner child’) as a result but hey we’re reborn as fun little babies so apparently the crotchety hardened crust falls away.

It expands our capacity for what we can endure and do. If we’re in the mission/business of helping others, being discerning and tough lets us do that under conditions that would make younger/weaker souls buckle and run away. That means we can help in ways they can’t.

We pay the price to the Matrix, in the form of our energy, to be here and do what we need to do for our own reasons. It’s like paying rent or a theme park entrance fee. No doubt, suffering feeds various negative forces. And often we pay more than we get in return. But as mentioned, if we can do it with dignity and courage and get strength, wisdom, or some other positive thing out of it in the long run, then it balances out in the end.

So I feel we just need to be smart and make informed choices to minimize suffering, and if we have to suffer, then do it bravely with determination, and squeeze everything we can out of our experiences in terms of wisdom and character gained.

How is life a “playground for the spirit” as you say?

Because spirit is immortal but learns, grows, and is amused by lessons derived from experience.

If it’s a fragment of infinite consciousness exploring its own infinite potential, then any path of experience from beginning to end has value, even if it involves suffering.

So think of a video game where you explore but get shot up and die and fight people or find things or whatever… why is it like a digital playground for you? Because you’re safe in front of the monitor, so at the end of it you come away with a memorable experience.

Life is the same way, to the core part of your spirit.

Of course, as humans we are looking at it from the perspective of the video game character and we experience pain and suffering so it’s more real to us, but in the long term and big scheme of things it’s not as serious as we think.

But if there’s something that interferes with freewill, that delays the experience for way too long and creates a cascade of negative effects that impacts our future lives and those of others in a way that even spirit doesn’t enjoy (in other words, like in a sports game where the referee steps in because major violation happened that doesn’t allow the game to continue as is) then there’s intervention from above.

Our world now has some divine intervention going on because darkness has crossed a line in some areas, but other things here are indeed just ‘playground for the spirit’.

I also say that life is a gym for the soul, and a prison for the body. The body’s never getting out of here. It’s a life sentence in matter, literally. It gets old, gets injured, feels pain, and dies.

The soul, however, is what experiences that suffering emotionally and psychologically, and changes in its astral qualities as a result. The astral quantum-attracts life experiences that contain an emotional payload and learning lessons. It experiences the highs and the lows, the joys and the torments, and is fully “in” it like an actor who forgets he or she’s acting and is totally absorbed in the character.

The spirit, even more aloof, is knowingly beyond all this and hence what is a torture chamber for the soul is a playground or amusement park ride for the spirit. We see everything from our ego-imprinted perspective so of course we take it seriously. But from an absolute higher perspective, we’re taking things too seriously here.

The big question that comes out of this is: what of compassion? If we shouldn’t take our own suffering so seriously, why should we take another person’s suffering seriously enough to try and help them? That’s a dilemma for Buddhists and Hindus who are into detachment and seeing reality as an illusion to transcend.

My personal view is that suffering and darkness exist not only to be learned from, but to be fought and overcome, and we should neither be so aloof as to neglect our duty to do that, nor so entrenched in illusion that we feel powerless and overwhelmed. The Bhagavad Gita has a lot to say about this issue and is worth pondering.

Do you think ancestral karma exists? And if you do, what does that mean for the spirit?

Yes, and I think it’s encoded in our genes epigenetically. You might know about epigenetics, but Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about it. Where certain genes are turned on, others turned off, and our own life experiences and consciousness pattern can affect that, and those then get passed on to children.

Ancestral karma has to be genetic because our individual souls might jump between races or even planets. And DNA doesn’t change much, but epigenetics definitely does, so that’s why I mention it.

Lipton says that you can change your epigenetic patterns by changing your mindset/perception/beliefs. So that’s how you’d clear it.

If you come from a bloodline of abused victims, you might carry that tendency in you. If you can identify that, write out the opposite behaviors which are more empowering, and reprogram yourself with those by thinking of them often and “acting as if” they were true until they become natural, well then, I think your epigenetic pattern would change along with it.

Sometimes it’s as simple as being convinced that you are free of them. If someone has a healing system that claims to get rid of your ancestral karma, and it involves let’s say sprinkling water on your head… then if you do that and believe it, even if it doesn’t anything by itself, that belief will carry forward in new patterns of thought (of feeling that you’re finally free of ancestral karma) and that changes the epigenetics over time.

I’m wondering if you’re familiar with the rising tide of people talking about the “Reincarnation Truth”, and have thoughts on the premise?

I’ve discussed this before but will elaborate on it again. Buddhism also teaches that we must become free from the endless cycle of karma and rebirth. So the idea isn’t new, it’s just a new trendier take on it. The devil’s more in the details and how we apply this.

I do sense, however, that there’s a big level of demon-sourced disinformation involved in the “Reincarnation Truth” and “The White Light Is a Trap” idea.

The idea came about in modern days with the help of Major Ed Dames, a.k.a. “Doctor Doom”, a remote viewer who was a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell in the 90s. One day he decided to remote view the white light seen in NDEs. His takeaway is that it was a lucifer-like “false light” and a trap. This shook a lot of people up, as it was such a contrarian take on it all.

The problem with this is that Ed Dames is known for tapping into disinformation, and remote viewing has zero safeguards against telepathically-fed disinfo. All it cares about is that consistent results, which can be verified correct if it concerns some physical thing like viewing the Eiffel Tower or something, but regarding alien and metaphysical subjects it’s very easy for aliens and demons or similar to telepathically influence a remote viewer to get a consistently false impression.

Now, why would they want to deceive. The answer is that if you look at the subject of possession, hauntings, entity attachments, etc. like the works of Dr. William Baldwin and Dr. Shakuntala Modi, there’s a recurring theme of earthbound souls who haven’t moved on. They become stragglers here in the etheric plane, near our physical plane, where they become ghosts or parasites that feed off people’s living energies.

Further, they are often working in the service of demons, similar to how kids who runaway from home and wind up on the streets may end up working for gangs or mafia as pickpockets. There’s a whole occult industry of these deceased humans preying on living humans, and taking a little of the energy for themselves while passing the bulk on to their demon overseers.

That industry needs lost souls to recruit from. One way to do that is to convince people to be scared of the light (as demons are) and turn away from it and go into the darkness. Okay, so you get these bitter, paranoid, beat-down people who just want to escape the system turning away from the light and probably becoming earthbound entities who, if they want to avoid dissolving into the light, need to grasp on to anything living to maintain a connection here.

I’m sure there are correct ways of side-stepping the light, but it’s risky and no one truly knows what they’re talking about regarding it. The Tibetan Book of the Dead at least brings up the idea of there being multiple lights and which ones to avoid.

I think what matters more is your state of consciousness and intention/desire when you die. If you focus on releasing all attachment, frustration, guilt, remorse, regret, etc. and only focus on love, gratitude, devotion to the divine, and being spiritually free as the sovereign being that you are… then you’ll gravitate to wherever that brings you.

¡¡El momento de sacar todo el poder interno al desencarnar!!

Whereas if you see the light and mentally give it the middle finger with a gruff “fuck this system” attitude, well even if you turn away from the light you’ll probably wind up in a lower astral “free for all zone” where you get your freedom but are in the presence of other alienated disgruntled deceased people and it’s probably a dark and cold place, energetically-speaking.

The other thing is that the people into this theory haven’t done enough research into things like Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism to get the time-enriched data provided by these.

My view is that reincarnation and physicality is a double-edged sword. We are not born as blank slates. We come here with talents, biases, and prejudices already present at the core of our being, even if we don’t consciously remember the experiences that went into them. This contradicts the idea that all reincarnation is a pointless trap due to our memories being wiped each time. No, we come here with something and that’s what we get tested on, and it’s what gets refined.

And the fact that there’s a testing and refinement process that potentially builds something good and lasting in us proves that reincarnation isn’t just a pointless trap, but has a spiritual curriculum to it.

However, it’s a bit of a choose-your-own-adventure book in that you can make really stupid choices that bring on stupid consequences, so the experience can become a trap and a prison if you choose unwisely. People wind up in that situation and then take no responsibility (or aren’t aware of their role in it) and want to just blame the entire system for being a trap and they are just the innocent victims.

Not so… there is freewill, there are lessons, there are consequences, and there are temptations and traps, risks and rewards, potential for growth or setback.

Hence the entire thing resembles an educational RPG video game where it’s possible to make bad choices and wind up on tedious side quests having to grind your way back to the main narrative.

What complicates it is that there are indeed demons, negative aliens, psychopaths, etc. who profit off you taking those painful side quests. That’s the part of this whole thing that’s a trap.

But I don’t believe the entire thing is a trap, or there would be less meaning, good, lessons, and growth in this lifetime.

I think we are as free as we choose to be. And we end up being as free after death as we are in life. If in life we are slave to addictions and false belief systems (like the Catholics are) then we’ll continue that programming after death, for a while until we run out of astral energy and fade into the light all the same at that point.

Can you explain everything that happens in between death and birth for the average spirited human?

It depends on the person, as to what stages are gone through and how quickly. Some people skip some steps. But generally:

As you die, your vision fades out and you can’t move, but you can still hear.

Then you may find yourself outside the body, a total OBE.

At that time, it’s possible to have a very quick “life flashing before my eyes” moment. This isn’t the life review, it’s just the “film being pulled out of the camera” (natural consequence of etheric body being severed from the physical, or at least coming out of it more than usual). Not everyone gets this.

If you’re attached to the physical, you’ll hang around for 3-7 days, as a ghost, able to see people grieving over you.

Then you lose energy and destabilize from the physical (unless you suck people’s lifeforce energy, then you can hang around indefinitely but as a parasite, and potentially turn over time into a demon).

Once you destabilize, you fade out from spacetime and enter a dream-like astral environment. It can look just like Earth, and people can be there. It’s more a temporary fake reality that dead people have dreamt up to adjust to life on the other side.

When you’re really ready, you fade out from there and move into the light, and leave your human personality behind. Then you do the full life review from a higher state of consciousness, with full understanding and guilt and love cranked up, and the guilt you feel is what seeds karma for the following life.

Some people get stuck at the astral level, the lower astral planes, for a very long time because they’re addicted to base emotions. Some become earthbound ghosts who feed off the living and hang around scenes of murder and debauchery.

Some people skip the astral and go straight into the light at death. Or, they go there and get turned back and then wake up in the body again, per a Near Death Experience. Which, by the way, is interesting because if the white light is such a trap then why would any being there say no it’s not your time yet, go back and go do something positive with your life? Wouldn’t it want to capture and eat the soul while it still has the chance?

When we go to sleep each night, during dreamless stage 4 delta wave sleep, the spirit + astral is gone and goes to the afterlife spirit realm including possibly up to the impersonal ‘life review’ stage, basically like a Higher Self state, to review and plan current progress in life. We don’t remember this. But some of that trickles into dreams, which come out as symbolic aspects of the dream.

For the most part, what you focus upon during and after death sets the trajectory for what comes after. Best thing to do is focus on the highest divine good, on your own consciousness and self-awareness (so that you remain lucid), and on the desire to be free and spiritually sovereign.

 What’s with the white light after death? Angel-like beings often tell NDE’ers they have a mission and need to come back.

It depends on what it is he has to come back for. My mom had an NDE ten years ago, from a heart attack due to stress from a bad custody battle situation. She was suicidal and her heart gave out that night. She was dead for at least 20 minutes. As she was dying, she heard my young siblings crying and felt horrified at leaving them behind, even more in being paralyzed and not able to respond to them. Then she floated out of her body and went toward the light.

The light said, “This emotional pain you feel is what you’d feel if you did commit suicide. Do you really want that?” She said no. So it said, “You can go back, your time is not yet finished.” Then she came back to life on her own with paramedics around her (yes, her heart began beating on its own after 20 minutes). And during those ten years she became way more spiritual and helped out friends, neighbors, many Christians in town to adopt a more wise and spiritual perspective. She died for real last year, about ten years after her NDE. So she had a second chance, a decade to do a lot of good. I wouldn’t consider that a trap, but a bonus round to have positive impacts.

I think if we’re all going to die anyway, there’s little motive for the white light to tell a person to come back and do good things with their life before their time is up. If it’s a predator wouldn’t it want to kill them right then and there, stick them in a baby body again to get abused, instead of staying behind and spiritually uplifting people? If this is the same light that other people talk about and fear, why would it do that? I see more logic to it being benevolent than the fearful outlook believes it to be.

If reincarnation here is so risky, then why not stay in the fifth density and learn there? Taking the risk of forgetting who you are will cripple someone spiritually and ends up wasting time.

As far as I know, there are indeed classes of beings / individuals who stay there and watch other lifeforms (us) go through their experiences. But that’s a spectator sport. Why do people play football when they can just stay home and watch the game… I think intellectual learning isn’t the same as testing yourself and being changed by the experience.
So it’s more than just knowledge-lessons, but also soul-growth and deepest wisdom and self-discovery at work here. Some things we know only because we went through them, and it wouldn’t have gotten so deep into our souls so quickly if one were just watching. I keep hearing how yes you can learn “up there” but it’s slower and not as exciting. Here it’s like a crash course.

As for the risk of forgetting and everything that comes with incarnating: risk is inherent in gambles. The point of a gamble is that you can win something that you can’t get if you don’t play. But to win, you might also lose. The downsides of incarnation, the damage to the soul, the getting lost, etc. does happen but it’s not universally guaranteed. Not everyone goes down the tubes here in life. Therefore it’s not an absolute certainty, but just a potential risk inherent in the gamble for a unique reward. That doesn’t mean everything is great though; I think the overall balance has tipped in the negative direction, hence why a positive intervention of equal and opposite caliber is and has been underway (meaning, the covert takeover of the world by aliens and demons is being countered by a covert and equally long term infusion of covert knowledge and help, a kind of secret war).

One of the fundamentals of this creation is freewill and self-discovery or self-learning, because in acting and experiencing one grows. That’s the point of being separated from the Creator and being endowed with freewill. It’s the absolute core directive of our existence. Again, why are there video games instead of just books and movies? Because people want to play and discover for themselves, they want to exercise their freedom and experience a world.

Facing challenges takes many forms, of which physical danger is probably the simplest and crudest, while challenges regarding trials of one’s faith, determination, confidence, emotions, spirit, etc. are way more along the lines of what people might incarnate for.

On a simple level, people climb mountains and kayak dangerous rapids because they feel they have a certain worth/power and want to put it to the test, and by overcoming that challenge they feel reaffirmed and know themselves better, and perhaps even expand the limits of what they can do.

On a spiritual level, same is true for life’s drama-based challenges. To face failure, persecution, sacrifice, etc. is difficult for the soul. But at some level, or at some point before incarnation, they must have felt that they have a certain worth/power and want to put it to the test, and perhaps grow and expand their limits. They know this world is illusion, that its laws are beneath those of the spiritual laws. But they come here, diving into the illusion, and aim to maintain the spiritual light despite that darkness. Sort of like lighting a candle and diving deep underwater trying to keep it lit. If the flame is strong, it will remain lit. The analogy is good because only flame sources with their own oxidants can stay lit underwater, same way only people who have an internal spiritual connection can survive Earth conditions and overcome them, rather than being overcome by them.

That said, the Higher Self does offer advice through dreams and sometimes directly if you’re psychic enough or it interjects loudly enough; it does so in key times when it’s absolutely necessary ‘to advance the plot.’

Personally, though, I think immature souls need to stop incarnating here. They come here to learn their lessons and experience and grow, but they make a mess of it, which affects everyone else and the planet too, plus it doesn’t help that they’re the dumb ones voting for the establishment puppets and keeping the Matrix going. That gets in the way of what I’d like to be doing here, which is help end this show and start up a new and better one. But who knows, maybe when that time comes, things will happen to make it harder for them to come here (population shrinkage and etheric environment changes) so maybe they’re just squeezing in some last minute experiences in the old world before it’s gone.

What do you believe what happens when you die?

First is an out of body experience. You might see your life flash before your eyes as the etheric body separates from the physical. Then you find yourself hovering over your dead body and maybe get to move around a bit.

At that point things start to vary.

Some people eject from their etheric body straight away enter straight into the light which they should see somewhere above them. That takes them into the astral and spirit realm where they undergo a more thorough life review for some time.

Otherwise, if they continue sticking around the physical environment, the etheric body starts disintegrating within 3-7 days. If they were particularly dark in life, they could be solicited by demons during this period. At that point it’s possible for them to suck energy from living beings in order to keep their etheric body from disintegrating. Then they become ghosts or phantoms, Earth-bound spirits. They can also attach themselves to animals of vulnerable humans and become spirit entity attachments.

Otherwise their etheric body dies and they increasingly lose touch with physical reality and begin “dreaming” as they shift from the etheric to the astral body and start entering the astral planes. So things become more dreamlike for them, which eventually becomes the more thorough life review.

In the astral planes, they run the risk of being ensnared by astral predators pretending to be priests or tribal gods or whatever appeals to their belief system. These are demons and other negative discarnate humans. If they died with heavy emotional baggage, psychological addictions, or programming, they can get stuck in these make-believe astral plane environments that appeal to that. There they stay until their astral body is sucked dry and shrivels away and they awaken like from a coma into their deeper, true, more impersonal spirit-centric consciousness. Then they’re free to finally move into the spirit realm.

In the spirit realm, having awoken from their previous stupidity, they have the foresight to plan for their next life and I guess get counsel or meet with other spirit beings. They see what more needs to be done and learned, and feel the call to return to do it right. So they are born again as humans eventually. Only, in many cases, to screw up again, and thus reincarnation keeps repeating.

With the whole prison-planet agenda in play, why do souls continue to incarnate here? On a certain level the whole thing seems very odd.

There are a lot of low-level souls who have no preference one way or the other. Think of some lady born fifty years ago… has a normal life, kids, and passes away. Whether the planet was under this or that alien control, is of no consequences to a life of raising children and having typical human dramas.

Then there are what seem to be higher souls who are somehow stuck here, caught in a karmic cycle of identifying too much with negative and base impulses, and increasingly burying themselves in debt and ignorance. They are the ones the negative forces are trying to keep asleep. And they are the ones that I think positive forces are attempting to intervene on behalf of. But it’s a delicate intervention, just as the alien control system is delicate and waged via info and spiritual warfare rather than outright physical slavery at raygun-point.

So you have souls incarnating here because the prison planet is irrelevant; or put another way, it simply provides a kind of resistance and challenge that serves them in some way. Resistance training, like going to a gym and lifting weights. Other souls incarnate to attempt to counter the negative system, and many get caught up in it, then those who try to rescue them also run the risk of getting caught. Thus a bigger intervention is needed to break it up at the right time, and that’s what I think is happening. Earth is a casino, you could win, or you could go broke, and that comes with all the addiction to gambling and getting involved with the cosmic mafia, etc.

FUENTE: Sección de "Preguntas y respuestas por email" en la web de Tom Montalk:

(Allí hay más reflexiones sobre este asunto y muchos otros)

Nosotros mismos somos 

aquellos "Dioses"

a quienes siempre

estuvimos esperando,

a quienes nos condicionaron

a esperar siempre fuera 

de nosotros mismos. 

No necesitamos a nadie más

para salvarnos o redimirnos. 

Porque somos 

Seres Soberanos,

espiritualmente completos, 

magníficamente autosuficientes,

y libres como el Infinito.











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1 comentario:

  1. Sincronicidades de la vida me Regala este tesoro con informacion interesante y altamente individualizada.
    Felicidades por el trabajo tan rico que compartes!



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